If you’re anything like me, you look at a shiny new planner and think of all the wonderful things you’re going too fill those days with. You’re going to write more, exercise regularly, learn to make jam… But by the middle of March, you’ve hidden that planner under a stack of other books, dodging its guilt-inducing glances.
But what I often forget is that even if I miss writing days, eat an entire cake in three days, or decide that I really don’t like jam that much – at least I’ve accomplished something. Those little things add up. I just need to keep going.
One thing I want to work on this year is being brave. In my novels, Talia Colt is fearless, and I can’t help admire her. In fact, I kinda want to be more like her. So my first step in that direction is starting this blog and sharing more about my writing life here.
On that note, here are a few of my goals for 2022 (Don’t worry, I’ve given up on attempting the jam.):
- Write and publish one new Team Colt novel. (Have so many ideas already brewing for this!)
- Edit & re-release the first three books in the series. (Gremlins snuck in and added typos. And I’ve got a few ideas to strengthen the stories.)
- Have a more consistent presence online. (I’m bad at this because hiding is easier. But I’m being brave, right?)
- Rebuild my website. (It needs an update. Don’t lie – I know you were thinking the same.)
I’m not setting hard deadlines for these, but I’d like to have the last one done by the end of the first quarter. Which leads me to a few mini goals for the next four weeks:
- Have a chat with my alpha readers about what needs to happen in this next book to keep the series arc in play.
- Reread Out of Options and make notes on changes I want to make.
- Blog weekly and post on FB/Instagram at least three times a week.
- Read Newsletter Ninja and do maintenance on my newsletter. It’s a key part of my website interaction, and I want to ensure it’s the best I can make it for my readers.
Well, that’s me for now. Better stop talking about what I’m going to do and just go do it.
x AJ